Review MAJAK ‘Restless Wicked’

Majak is a band not everybody knows. So let’s start with a short introduction. Majak is a band from the greater Hamburg area that was founded in 2015. ‘The Herald’ is the title of their debut album, which was released in 2019, and after signing a deal with Cause Of Deaf Records, the sophomore album is now in stores.

‘Restless Wicked’ is the name of the latest strike from Northern Germany, an album that contains eight songs. As each of these songs is quite long when it comes to running time, ‘Restless Wicked’ is a true full-length release, and it is more than just the quantity that creates attention. ‘Restless Wicked’ is an interesting album from a band that manages to blend several influences to create a unique sound.

It is almost impossible to categorize Majak’s music into a specific genre. So many influences are blended together, which also helps to create timeless music.

Rock and metal are the basics of the album. The extra spice is a darker and sometimes gothic-like touch that adds to the thrill of the album. Take ‘Karatschai’ as an example. There is a solid rock’n’roll beat that carries this blistering instrumental from beginning to end. Partly calm and coming with an ease, sometimes with references to oriental sounds, the song unfolds its full flavor right away and at the same time has enough details for a lasting pleasure.

‘Restless Wicked’ follows a straightforward approach. There are no trendy elements or unnecessary twists. Nevertheless, the album can convince with a level of variation that surprises. ‘Temple Of Death’ belongs to this group of songs. The straight and dark rocker is a great example of Majak’s sound and the fact that the guys aren’t afraid to add the sound of a banjo shows the creativity of this five-piece band. It’s this unpredictability that some bands are missing these days.

The metallic shine of this release comes to the fore with the furious ‘Majak Death Curse’. This blasting metal inferno is a raging tune that echoes the power that Majak can unleash.

‘Restless Wicked’ is an album that doesn’t fit into any of the predefined genres. It is a wild blast from the north with a blood, sweat and tears approach. These songs are made by fans for fans and show that the German metal underground has a lot to offer.

Rating: 8 out of 10.


  1. Snakebite Kiss               
  2. Devil    
  3. Ceaseless        
  4. Karatschai       
  5. Surrounded by Thunder          
  6. Majak Death Curse                     
  7. Temple of Death          
  8. Restless Wicked

Label: Cause Of Deaf Records

Genre: Metal

Release Date EU: March 29th, 2024




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