Review WHITE STONES “Memoria Viva”

“Memoria Viva” is the third White Stones album, a band being the brainchild of Opeth bassist Martín Mendéz. Like on the previous two records, it offers metal off the beaten track. With “La Ira”, the first song has already been revealed a while ago, showing the band’s progressive approach. It is a dark and furious tune, reflecting the anger that “La Ira” means in Spanish. Screaming guitars and growled vocals add a progressive death metal edge to this dark song.

Another thing the single heralds is the fact that White Stones have an album ready to hit the shelves with lyrics in Spanish. In contrast to the first records, each of the nine songs tells stories in Mendéz’s native language, something the band wanted to try out already on the second release. What didn’t work back then is now a reality.

The title track is the first song the listener is confronted with. It’s a grim-sounding start with a slowly building sample that creates a feeling of unease, and the moment Mendéz’s bass joins in, the mood becomes even more intense. White Stones don’t write songs that support the happy flow. That was the case with the first two albums and it’s the same feeling of uneasiness that runs through the latest release with the opener excellently setting the scene for the other eight tracks.

Adding to the eerie vibe of the album are the whispered vocals at the beginning of ‘Humanoids’. It’s another dystopian moment on the album, which has some soundtrack-like moments.

Another facet of White Stones is revealed with “Zamba de Orun”. The quiet and acoustic song is a rather peaceful moment of hope on this release. However, there is an underlying sense of anxiety that comes with this unconventional song.

And then there is “Grito al Silencio”. It’s a song that shows how White Stones approach their music. The beginning is relaxed and exudes a sense of ease. The moment you want to sit back and enjoy this scenario, the song takes a completely different approach. Suddenly you are caught in a heavy pounding song with harsh vocals and fierce riffing.

White Stones continue their musical vision with the release of ‘Memoria Viva’. Their music is challenging and sophisticated without becoming too complex. It’s more of a well-framed level of versatility that makes predicting what comes next a mission impossible.

Rating: 8 out of 10.


  1. Memoria Viva
  2. Humanoides
  3. DGeneración
  4. Zamba de Orun
  5. La Ira
  6. Somos
  7. Grito al silencio
  8. Vencedores Vencidos
  9. Yemayá

Label: Reigning Phoenix Music

Genre: Progressive Death Metal

Release Date EU: June 28th, 2024




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