Review EMBRYONIC AUTOPSY “Origins of the Deformed

Embryonic Autopsy hail from Chicago, Illinois and what the band delivers is brutal death metal since a few years. The foundation date isn’t something that is easy to find, but a date that is confirmed is when the band launched their skull-crushing debut album called “Prophecies of the Conjoined”. That was back in 2022 and a couple of years later the next strike will hit the shelves.

“Origins of the Deformed” builds on the band’s debut approach musically and lyrically. Embryonic Autopsy continue their story of the alien/human hybrid theory, which is a gore-related storyline and Tim King’s really deep growls make it challenging to listen to the lyrics and get the story without holding a lyric sheet in hands.

Musically, fans of brutal death metal will not be disappointed. This blistering release is packed with raging speed, meat cleaver riffs and very deep growls. Picking out some of the songs would be pointless as the album in its entirty is a massive one. It feels like the big maelstrom catches you and draws you towards something evil and sinister.

Embryonic Autopsy have enlisted the support of some of the best names in death metal, including James Murphy, Jack Owens and Terrance Hobbs, who have contributed guest appearances and guitar solos. The solos are excellent, and the album shows the respect the band has earned over the last few years.

“Origins of the Deformed” is a massive and brutal album. Embryonic Autopsy deliver a full-blown assault on the senses, challenging eardrums and neck muscles.

Rating: 7 out of 10.


  1. Dripping In the Vaginal Nectar
  2. Orgies Of the Inseminated
  3. Human Vessel of Alien Hybrids
  4. Dissolving In Acidic Afterbirth
  5. Spewed Forth into Chunks
  6. Self-Inflicted C-Section
  7. The Conjoined Must Perish
  8. Cleopatra’s Spawn
  9. Carnivorous Abortion
  10. The Curse of Madame Pele

Label: Massacre Records

Genre: Death Metal

Release Date EU: June 14th, 2024



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