Review CLOVEN HOOF “Heathen Cross”

When I listened to the latest Cloven Hoof album, the excitement was rather limited and I can’t even say why that was the case. It just didn’t generate the enthusiasm and I can’t even say the reason why. So what could be better than to give such an album a second and third chance. Perseverance had a positive effect, as each time I gave the album a spin, the fascination grew. “Heathen Cross” is an album that reveals its details and greatness step by step.

Today, Lee Payne is the only remaining founding member and the driving force of the album. And “Air” has found a great companion in “The Tyrant”. If you think of Harry Conklin as The Tyrant, you are absolutely right. One of the most gifted singers in Heavy Metal has joined Cloven Hoof and his performance takes the album to the next level. The lead single “Last Man Standing” has already whetted the appetite for more, and those who liked the first song will love the album.

Take “Vendetta” as an example. Atmospheric and very much in the spirit of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, the song inhales the pure power of metal. Great hooks, a well crafted melody line and Conklin’s vocals provide an excellent overall package. All the parts come together in a great way, including a sing-along chorus.

The starting point of the album is a short and cinematic intro that leads you to “Redeemer”. With unbridled energy the five-piece starts into the album, with Conklin’s screams being the special spice.

Dark and partly balladic is “Curse of the Gypsy”. The start is in line with the heaviness of the other songs before a calmer section takes over. Shifting gears is what “Frost and Fire” stands for, as the pounding anthem is much faster compared to the previous track.

One of the good things about “Heathen Cross” is the consistency throughout the album. There are no weak moments on this record and even the last two tracks are of high quality. “Sabbat Stones” and “The Summoning” are the well crafted last two chapters of an album that might take a while to blossom. After a certain amount of time, it will reveal all the hidden delights for the headbangers who will surely enjoy these ten metal anthems from the pioneers of heavy metal.

Rating: 8 out of 10.


  1. Benediction
  2. Redeemer
  3. Do What Thou Wilt
  4. Last Man Standing
  5. Darkest Before the Dawn
  6. Vendetta
  7. Curse of the Gypsy
  8. Frost and Fire
  9. Sabbat Stones
  10. The Summoning

Label: High Roller Records

Genre: Heavy Metal

Release Date EU: May 31st, 2024



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