Review CHOREOMANIC ‘Choreomanic’

Dutch bass player Joost van der Graaf is known from his time with bands like Dew-Scented. His bass can be also heard on Pestilence’s latest album ‘Exitivm’. In 2020 Van der Graaf started with Choreomanic a solo project and the self-titled album is the debut. Musically Choreomanic has not that much to do with the... Continue Reading →

GEDDY LEE (RUSH) will come to Hamburg

Geddy Lee, legendary bassist of Canadian Prog Rock institution Rush, has worked together with co-author Daniel Richler on a book called 'Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book of Bass'. The book is built on 250 pieces of Lee's impressive bass collection that covers instruments from the '50s up to the '80s. 'Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book... Continue Reading →

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